
rclone rc

Run a command against a running rclone.


This runs a command against a running rclone. Use the --url flag to specify an non default URL to connect on. This can be either a ":port" which is taken to mean "http://localhost:port" or a "host:port" which is taken to mean "http://host:port"

A username and password can be passed in with --user and --pass.

Note that --rc-addr, --rc-user, --rc-pass will be read also for --url, --user, --pass.

The --unix-socket flag can be used to connect over a unix socket like this

# start server on /tmp/my.socket
rclone rcd --rc-addr unix:///tmp/my.socket
# Connect to it
rclone rc --unix-socket /tmp/my.socket core/stats

Arguments should be passed in as parameter=value.

The result will be returned as a JSON object by default.

The --json parameter can be used to pass in a JSON blob as an input instead of key=value arguments. This is the only way of passing in more complicated values.

The -o/--opt option can be used to set a key "opt" with key, value options in the form -o key=value or -o key. It can be repeated as many times as required. This is useful for rc commands which take the "opt" parameter which by convention is a dictionary of strings.

-o key=value -o key2

Will place this in the "opt" value

{"key":"value", "key2","")

The -a/--arg option can be used to set strings in the "arg" value. It can be repeated as many times as required. This is useful for rc commands which take the "arg" parameter which by convention is a list of strings.

-a value -a value2

Will place this in the "arg" value

["value", "value2"]

Use --loopback to connect to the rclone instance running rclone rc. This is very useful for testing commands without having to run an rclone rc server, e.g.:

rclone rc --loopback operations/about fs=/

Use rclone rc to see a list of all possible commands.

rclone rc commands parameter [flags]


  -a, --arg stringArray      Argument placed in the "arg" array
  -h, --help                 help for rc
      --json string          Input JSON - use instead of key=value args
      --loopback             If set connect to this rclone instance not via HTTP
      --no-output            If set, don't output the JSON result
  -o, --opt stringArray      Option in the form name=value or name placed in the "opt" array
      --pass string          Password to use to connect to rclone remote control
      --unix-socket string   Path to a unix domain socket to dial to, instead of opening a TCP connection directly
      --url string           URL to connect to rclone remote control (default "http://localhost:5572/")
      --user string          Username to use to rclone remote control

See the global flags page for global options not listed here.

See Also

  • rclone - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends.
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